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Edisapp e360 School App for Principals
Empowering school principals, educators and decision makers with apps for school
management to manage and run the school on the go.
Edisapp Principal App
Edisapp principal App
Empowering school principals, educators and decision makers
Empowering school principals, educators and decision makers with apps for school management to manage and run the school on the go. Data feeds and analytics are delivered in real-time to the school principal app, in perfect coordination with Edisapp School Software.
EDISAPP parent app features
Real-Time Data Sync
Access real-time updates on all school operations, from student attendance to exam results, seamlessly synced with the Edisapp ERP system
Comprehensive Student Profiles
Easily retrieve detailed student information, including attendance, fees, and academic records, with just a few taps
Principal App features 
Visual Data Analytics
Make informed decisions with embedded data analytics, offering quick insights across all school operations.
Integrated Contact Management
Effortlessly manage contact details for staff and parents, with direct call functionality integrated into the app
Attendance and Leave Management
Track and manage attendance and leave records for students and staff, ensuring smooth daily operations
Financial Oversight
Monitor fee collection and financial transactions in real-time, reducing the risk of errors or fraud.
Cross-Platform Accessibility
Manage your school from anywhere with a cloud-based app accessible across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
edisapp exclusive
Know Your School in a Single Glance
Enhance your school's reputation with school branded Apps, available on Google Play and the Apple App Store. This branded app offers instant access to attendance, homework, grades, fee payments, and communication. Stay updated with real-time notifications for announcements, news, and academic details like schedules, due dates, and test dates.
Cross-Platform School ERP
Cross-Platform School ERP

One App, All Platforms

Incredibly adaptable and award-winning Edisapp Cloud-based School Management Software can be used on a desktop or laptop computer, tablet, smartphone, or smartwatch. As a result, Families will be able to access student-specific data from the student information management system from any location, at any time, and on any device. In addition, whenever they have a question, they may reach out to our dedicated Edisapp Parent Helpdesk by call or chat or Whatsapp.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Edisapp e360, the online Software for School Management? What are the features of Edisapp e360 helpful for the principals of schools? Why does your school need a cloud-based ERP system? What is the best school ERP system in India?
Unify Your School Data Seamlessly With Edisapp
Access your school's operations and communications with our comprehensive School ERP Platform and mobile apps designed specifically for principals, teachers, parents and students.
Unify Your School With Edisapp